I'm trying to make it so when you call a Interactivity Embed, the line that shows on the left side is the same color as the Bots highest role color. (Really minor details, but for some reason I really want it)
So far i only found answers for the Javascript version (discord.js) but none for DSharp. The Documentation on https://dsharpplus.github.io/api isn't helping either. I tried the following:
ctx.Guild.GetMemberAsync(MY BOT ID).Color;
I did that on a test server with a static ID just to see if it would work at all, at least on one server, but it didn't.
Next I tried using
ctx.Client.Guild.GetRole(MY BOT ROLE ID).Color;
which does work, but only on one server and with one role. I want it to work on any server with any role, so that it gets the color
I am at a loss. Help plz.
The relevant code in general:
public async Task join(CommandContext ctx)
DiscordColor botTopRoleColor = //help;
var Thumbnail = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedThumbnail { Url = ctx.Client.CurrentUser.AvatarUrl };
var joinEmbed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder
Title = "Head",
Description = "Body",
Thumbnail = Thumbnail,
Color = botTopRoleColor //(This should be the highest role color which i am trying to set in botTopRoleColor
}; ...
. If that doesn't work, you might be on an old version that doesn't have proper intents enabled.