Hello I'm new at modelsim and I don't know how to use it properly and I it pops me this error.
near "S1": (vcom-1576) expecting BEGIN.
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity test_mux is
end test_mux;
architecture test_b of test_mux is
signal A1, B1: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
S1: std_logic;
D1: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
component mux_double_2to1 port (a, b, s: in bit; d: out bit);
end component;
M1: mux_double_2to1 PORT MAP (a=>A1,b=>B1,s=>S1,d=>D1);
A1 <= '001';B1 <= '010';S1 <= '0'; wait for 20 ps;
A1 <= '010';B1 <= '100';S1 <= '0'; wait for 20 ps;
A1 <= '111';B1 <= '011';S1 <= '0'; wait for 20 ps;
A1 <= '101';B1 <= '111';S1 <= '0'; wait for 20 ps;
A1 <= '010';B1 <= '001';S1 <= '1'; wait for 20 ps;
A1 <= '000';B1 <= '101';S1 <= '1'; wait for 20 ps;
A1 <= '101';B1 <= '010';S1 <= '1'; wait for 20 ps;
A1 <= '111';B1 <= '101';S1 <= '1'; wait for 20 ps;
end process;
end test_b;
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity mux_double_2to1 is port(
a, b: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
s: in std_logic;
d: out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0));
end mux_double_2to1;
Also entity is compiled sucessfully. What should I do about that? Can anyone help me?
Hello someone from my school help me to fix my issue so here is the complete solution. Thanks whoever tried to help me. I appreciate it
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity test_mux is
end test_mux;
architecture test_b of test_mux is
signal A1, B1, D1: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal S1: std_logic;
component mux_double_2to1 port (a, b, d: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); s: out std_logic);
end component;
M1: mux_double_2to1 PORT MAP (a=>A1,b=>B1,s=>S1,d=>D1);
A1 <= "001";B1 <= "010";S1 <= '0'; wait for 20 ps;
A1 <= "010";B1 <= "100";S1 <= '0'; wait for 20 ps;
A1 <= "111";B1 <= "011";S1 <= '0'; wait for 20 ps;
A1 <= "101";B1 <= "111";S1 <= '0'; wait for 20 ps;
A1 <= "010";B1 <= "001";S1 <= '1'; wait for 20 ps;
A1 <= "000";B1 <= "101";S1 <= '1'; wait for 20 ps;
A1 <= "101";B1 <= "010";S1 <= '1'; wait for 20 ps;
A1 <= "111";B1 <= "101";S1 <= '1'; wait for 20 ps;
end process;
end test_b;