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Recurrent error when using pyinstaller & cx_Freeze

I've seen through the web that .exe taken from python scripts may often run into errors because of some "hooks missing", which happens because pyinstaller wasn't able to track some modules while creating the .exe file. I'm currently using Python IDLE 3.61 and the scripts works fine without any error. The .exe actually runs but, for instance, it simply crushes when I try to plot a table giving the error:

NoModuleFoundError: 'No module=plotly.validators.table found'.

Building the .exe also via cx_Freeze, I came up to the same sort of problem:

Module plotly.validators.table has no Attribute CellsValidators

which confirmed me the problem is caused by issues with plotly.


    1. Uninstall plotly module.
    2. Install older version of plotly module.
    3. Now try building .exe file

    (If not working again, try further more old versions of plotly)

    I hope it works.