i've a peculiar scenario like the below post!
But the difference is my database module also has a global variable that needs to be mocked out!
from database.db_init import DB
from common.common_util import CommonUtil as util
db_username = util.get_value_from_ssm_parameter_store(
db_password = util.get_value_from_ssm_parameter_store(
db_host = DB.get_rds_host()
def create_session():
"""this will create a db session"""
db = DB(user=db_username, password=db_password,
host=db_host, database='test')
Session = db.getSession()
session = Session()
return session
I've mocked the get_value_from_ssm_parameter_store() function and even mocked the variables as @patch('database.db_username', 'test'), also tried database.db_username = MagicMock(return_value='test') inside my unittest class!
but still the call is happening to aws. Can anybody help me on mocking the global variables in a imported module?
Since the util.get_value_from_ssm_parameter_store()
and DB.get_rds_host()
methods executed in module scope of session.py
You should patch these methods before import the create_session
function from session
class CommonUtil:
def get_value_from_ssm_parameter_store(key):
print('call real aws')
class Session:
class DB:
def get_rds_host():
return ''
def __init__(self, user, password, host, database) -> None:
def getSession(self):
return Session
from database.db_init import DB
from common.common_util import CommonUtil as util
db_username = util.get_value_from_ssm_parameter_store(
db_password = util.get_value_from_ssm_parameter_store(
db_host = DB.get_rds_host()
def create_session():
"""this will create a db session"""
db = DB(user=db_username, password=db_password,
host=db_host, database='test')
Session = db.getSession()
session = Session()
return session
import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch, Mock, call
from common.common_util import CommonUtil as util
from database.db_init import DB
def get_value_from_ssm_parameter_store_side_effect(key):
if key == '/_username':
return 'teresa teng'
if key == '/rds/_password':
return '123456'
original_get_value_from_ssm_parameter_store = util.get_value_from_ssm_parameter_store
original_get_rds_host = DB.get_rds_host
util.get_value_from_ssm_parameter_store = Mock(side_effect=get_value_from_ssm_parameter_store_side_effect)
DB.get_rds_host = Mock(return_value='')
class TestSession(unittest.TestCase):
@patch('session.DB', autospec=True)
def test_create_session(self, mock_DB):
from session import create_session
db_instance = mock_DB.return_value
mock_session = Mock()
db_instance.getSession.return_value = mock_session
mock_DB.assert_called_once_with('teresa teng', '123456', '', 'test')
util.get_value_from_ssm_parameter_store.assert_has_calls([call('/_username'), call('/rds/_password')])
# restore mock
util.get_value_from_ssm_parameter_store = original_get_value_from_ssm_parameter_store
DB.get_rds_host = original_get_rds_host
if __name__ == '__main__':
unit test result:
⚡ coverage run /Users/dulin/workspace/github.com/mrdulin/python-codelab/src/stackoverflow/64329623/test_session.py && coverage report -m --include='./src/**'
Ran 1 test in 0.011s
Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing
src/stackoverflow/64329623/common/common_util.py 4 1 75% 4
src/stackoverflow/64329623/database/db_init.py 10 3 70% 8, 11, 14
src/stackoverflow/64329623/session.py 10 0 100%
src/stackoverflow/64329623/test_session.py 28 0 100%
TOTAL 52 4 92%