My end-goal to implement ULMFit using FastAI to predict disaster tweets(as a part of this Kaggle competition). What I'm trying to do is read the tweets from a Dataframe. But for reasons unknown to me, I'm stuck at the data loading stage. I'm simply unable to do so using the below method -
from fastai.text.all import *
train= pd.read_csv('../input/nlp-getting-started/train.csv')
dls_lm = (TextList.from_df(path,train,cols='text',is_lm=True)
This line throws - NameError: name 'TextList' is not defined.
I'm able to work around this problem with the below code -
dls_lm = DataBlock(
blocks=TextBlock.from_df('text', is_lm=True),
# using only 10% of entire comments data for validation inorder to learn more
dls_lm = dls_lm.dataloaders(train, bs=64, seq_len=72)
Why does this work and not the previous method?
Notebook Link for reference.
Which version of fastai are you running?
import fastai
TextList class is from FastAI v1, but it seems to me your import path is for Fastai v2, and in v2, TextList is changed with (thats why it's working with the Datablock part wich is the good way to handle this)