I want audio share with webrtc in android. I try with MediaProjection, video share is OK. but, audio record have not Audio Track. How can I get Audio Track from Audio Record?
AudioPlaybackCaptureConfiguration config = new AudioPlaybackCaptureConfiguration.Builder(sMediaProjection)
AudioFormat audioFormat = new AudioFormat.Builder()
audioRecord = new AudioRecord.Builder()
//Other code
String audioTrackId = stateProvider.getNextTrackUUID();
AudioSource as = new AudioSource(audioRecord.getAudioSource());
tracks[0] = pcFactory.createAudioTrack(audioTrackId, as); // Not Working
I think you have to checks below
You can it with below adb command
$ adb shell dumpsys audio
AudioPlaybackConfiguration piid:15 type:android.media.SoundPool u/pid:1000/1619 state:idle attr:AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_ASSISTANCE_SONIFICATION content=CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null
AudioPlaybackConfiguration piid:23 type:android.media.SoundPool u/pid:10222/2040 state:idle attr:AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_ASSISTANCE_SONIFICATION content=CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null
allowed capture policies:
players: means
These are audio attribute information which is being used now.
You could see the usage using by webrc with pid
flags=0x800: means
Shows what value the app has setAllowedCapturePolicy.
Refer to below link for the information of flags
allowed capture policies: means
It shows which app has set setAllowedCapturePolicy.
If webrc doesn't set this value, you could see below warning log.
ALOGW("%s: Playback capture is denied for uid %u as the manifest property could not be "
"retrieved from the package manager: %s", __func__, uid, status.toString8().c_str());