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Terraform nginx ingress dynamic for_each rules host

Trying to create a dynamic host rules that I previously had in my ingress yaml file. Main difference TF doesn't have 'rules' they have a single 'rule', but I assume it's just a naming conversion. Currently im creating an ingress for each item, but I'd like to do a dynamic rule. I understand the dynamic has to be in a resource/data/etc. How would I accomplish this? (not a working example)

resource "kubernetes_ingress" "test" {

  wait_for_load_balancer = false
  metadata {
    name = "my-test-${each.value}"
    namespace =
    annotations = {
      "" = "nginx"

  spec {
    dynamic "rule" {
      for_each = toset(var.types)
      content {
        host = "${each.value}"
        http {
          path {
            path = "/"
            backend {
              service_name = kubernetes_service.test[each.value]
              service_port = 8080



  • When you are using dynamic blocks, you have to use, in your case, rule, not each to refer to items in your for_each:

    resource "kubernetes_ingress" "test" {
      spec {
        dynamic "rule" {
          for_each = toset(var.types)
          content {
            host = "${rule.value}"
            http {
              path {
                path = "/"
                backend {
                  service_name = kubernetes_service.test[rule.value]
                  service_port = 8080