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Typescript for Error handling in redux-saga

What will be the type of error in action.ts that is handled by handled in catch block of worker saga ?


const actionError = (error): IFluxStandardAction => {
  return {
    payload: error


function* WorkerSaga(value) {
  try {
    const { payload } = value;
    const response: Response = yield call(clientApi, payload);
    yield put(Actions.Success(response));
  } catch (error) {
    yield put(Actions.Error(error));

Parameter 'error' implicitly has an 'any' type, but a better type may be inferred from usage.ts(7044)


  • As explained by @AlekseyL. in the comments, it it usually but not always an Error object. A catch clause requires that you catch any or unknown. You can check if it's an Error with if (error instanceof Error).

    An Error is non-serializable. Ideally you would extract some properties from it in your saga or action creator rather than passing a non-serializable object in an action. It's easy to extract a string.

    catch (error: any) {
      yield put(Actions.Error(String(error) || "An unknown error occurred"));

    The string conversion of an Error object is like this:

    String(new Error("some message"))
     --> "Error: some message"

    Here is a type-safe helper for converting an any error to an object with name and message.

    interface ErrorData {
      name: string;
      message: string;
    const toError = (error: any): ErrorData => {
      if (error instanceof Error) {
        return {
          message: error.message
      } else {
        return {
          name: "Error",
          message: error?.toString() || "An unknown error occurred"

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