I am trying to print a String in a TextView on my AndroidApp with some delay between each character. The String is pi and I want to simulate the fact that the app is computing it live. I tried to add some delay with a sleep function so as not to flood the TextView with too many request too quickly, to no avail as it still doesn't work :(
The string is: String pi_value = "3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117";
public void printWithDelays(String data, TimeUnit unit, long delay)
throws InterruptedException {
String pi_temp = "";
TextView pi_text_holder = findViewById(R.id.pi_text_holder);
for (char ch : data.toCharArray()) {
If you had an idea I would be very grateful.
This is a pretty good solution. It works well.