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Get Dates from C# API to Angular for ngx-bootstrap DateTimePicker

For using Angular's ngx-bootstrap datepicker Disabled days for the calendar I have a controller on C#

public List<DateTime> DisabledDays(int carId)
    var disabledDates = new List<DateTime>();
    var result = GetAll();
    var startResult = _rentalDal.GetAll().Where(x => x.CarId == carId).Select(x => x.RentDate).ToList();
    var endResult = _rentalDal.GetAll().Where(x => x.CarId == carId).Select(x => x.ReturnDate).ToList();

    for (int i = 0; i < result.Data.Count; i++)
        //for (var disDate = startResult[i]; disDate <= endResult[i]; disDate = DateTime.Parse(disDate.AddDays(1).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")))
        for (var disDate = startResult[i]; disDate <= endResult[i]; disDate = disDate.AddDays(1))
            //disabledDatesString.Add(dt.(ToString("d MMM YY")));

    return disabledDates;

it's working ok but the format should be like YYYY-MM-DD I tried something but couldn't put output for Angular needed. My Output is


angulars method works when I put this manuely it works but when I tried to get it with a function its receiving data like above.

    disabledDates: Date[];
    this.disabledDates = [
          new Date('2021-03-20'),
          new Date('2021-03-10'),
          new Date('2021-03-11'),

    this.disabledDates= response

is there a way to get my date format like YYYY-MM-DD like disabledDates manual feed? and the second one is this new Date simply added by a for or for each loop


  • Since your startResult and endResult variables are List<DateTime> then the modified method will definitely work for you.

    So, you don't need to List<string> as your method's return type instead of List<DateTime>.

    Because at your JSON response both DateTime and string will be string.


    public List<string> DisabledDays(int carId)
        var disabledDates = new List<string>();
        var result = GetAll();
        var startResult = _rentalDal.GetAll().Where(x => x.CarId == carId).Select(x => x.RentDate).ToList();
        var endResult = _rentalDal.GetAll().Where(x => x.CarId == carId).Select(x => x.ReturnDate).ToList();
        for (int i = 0; i < result.Data.Count; i++)
            for (var disDate = startResult[i]; disDate <= endResult[i]; disDate = disDate.AddDays(1))
        return disabledDates;