Sorry for what might be a quite simple question. I know a few languages, but I'm new regarding python. I'm collecting via an IOT device the following data and here are all the info I can get :
print('This is my data : %s' % (data)) => "This is my data : b'\x95\xfe683475065015121'"
print(type(data)) => "<class 'str'>"
The thing is, I'd like to get numeric values extracted from data such as :
Thanks a lot for your help and have a great day.
PS : I already tried float.fromhex(data[y:Z]) - or data.decode("hex"), but no luck... bytes.fromhex(data[y:z]) got me a strange result as well...
t = b'\x95\xfe683475065015121'
t = t[2:] # disregard \x95\xfe
a = int(t[:3]) / 10
b = int(t[3:6])
c = int(t[6:9])
print(a, b, c) # >>> 68.3 475 65