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Execute certain logic exactly after ngOnInit() in Angular 10

I'd like to execute some logic exactly after ngOnInit() because i want to decouple the logic from page rendering. I thought of Angular lifecycle hooks so i put the logic in ngAfterViewInit(), but seems it get called at the same time as ngOnInit().

The code sample:

export class SampleComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit{

  list = [];

  ngOnInit() {

    this.localDataService.getData().then( res =>{ //Promise call
      for (let o in res) { 
      this.list.push(res[o]) //the list get loaded


  ngAfterViewInit() {  // the intention is to process the list after it's loaded

   this.remoteDataService.getData().then(res => {

   for (let o in res) { 
     itemFound = this.list.find( (itemInList) => {return === res[o].id})

     //and some code to manipulate the item found from list
     itemFound = ....  // but the itemFound is always 'undefined'




According to Angular lifecycle hooks, the ngAfterViewInit() should be execute after ngOnInit(), but the code running result tells otherwise. The itemFound in ngAfterViewInit() is always 'undefined'.

I tried to put the code block from ngAfterViewInit() to ngOnInit(), after the promise call, the itemFound will get proper value.

Could anyone help explain where went wrong? Is it because the Promise call is Asynchronous?


  • I realized this with BehaviorSubject from Rxjs lib, which basically is an observable pattern. The point is to notify code in ngAfterViewInit() to start only when the list data is ready.

    Code sample:

    export class SampleComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit{
      list = [];
      private listSub = new BehaviorSubject([]);
      listSubObservab = this.listSub.asObservable();
      ngOnInit() {
        this.localDataService.getData().then( res =>{ //Promise call
          for (let o in res) { 
          this.list.push(res[o]) //the list get loaded
 //notify when list is ready
      ngAfterViewInit() {  // the intention is to process the list after it's loaded
        this.listSubObservab.subscribe(listLoaded => { //observer here, only triggered by notify
          this.remoteDataService.getData().then(res => {
          for (let o in res) { 
            itemFound = listLoaded.find( (itemInList) => {return === res[o].id})
          //and some code to manipulate the item found from list
          itemFound = ....  // Finally the itemFound has proper value