I have a master branch and dev branch, i also confirmed by checking by git-branch.
In my master branch there is current working version of the code.
I created new branch dev and then rebased to dev branch
Now I have the same files in master and dev branch and i planned to work on dev branch. the reason doing like this pushing to dev branch can be done without reviews and pushing to master needs review.
I havent done any changes in dev branch as of now but wanted to push this to dev branch as everyone can see this dev branch . then i get error like (this below error came when i did git push origin dev)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (7/7)
remote: error: branch refs/heads/dev:
remote: You need 'Create' rights to create new references.
remote: User: aravmadd
remote: Contact an administrator to fix the permissions
remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, done
gerrit ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/for/dev (branch dev not found) error: failed to push some refs to 'project'
But i have all rights required, except that i didnt create this repository
when i tried to use git push origin HEAD:refs/for/dev then i get error like
! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/for/dev (branch dev not found)
What i did was i created new branch dev and rebased
git checkout dev
git rebase master dev
$ git status
On branch dev
nothing to commit, working tree clean
$ ls
CMakeLists.txt doc/ extern/ modules/ Readme.md README.txt test/
then i can see the same files in master and dev branch.
for your information, master branch is properly reviewed.
Then i decided this to push since everything i changed was in my localpc.
Am i doing something wrong??.
Any help is much appreciated
The "dev" branch doesn't exit on Gerrit, you just created it locally in your machine.
When you pushed to "refs/heads/dev" you tried to create the "dev" branch on Gerrit but you don't have permission to create branches. You need to have "Create Reference" permission on "refs/*".
It's not possible to push to "refs/for/dev" (create a review on Gerrit) because the "dev" branch doesn't exist in Gerrit (see 1. above).