I would like to test some imbrications between many smartcontract on Ethereum, but :
So, in order to get as close as possible to the actual mainnet, is there a way to copy the current state of the entire blockchain, with all the transactions, and fork it at a specific block to test some features ?
The official documentation explains how to create a private network, but how can we create a private network based on a specific mainnet's block ?
Thank you
You can run Ganache with the --fork
Fork from another currently running Ethereum client at a given block. Input should be the HTTP location and port of the other client, e.g.
. You can optionally specify the block to fork from using an @ sign:http://localhost:8545@1599200
So the actual command could look like this:
ganache-cli --fork https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/<your_infura_id>