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Is it possible to selectively delete data (specifi page URLs) from Google Analytics?

I'm pretty sure the answer to this question is "no", but I would like to get a definitive answer from an official source, and also understand what my alternative options might be.

Long story short, my app has old data in it that used to include user email addresses as a GET parameter. Those URLs are showing up as unique page view URLs in Google analytics, like this:

Example of a path page URL in Google analytics containing an email GET parameter

I don't want to be recording email addresses in my Google Analytics account (for privacy reasons), and I have fixed the code that was causing this in the first place, but I also want to delete or scrub the old data that currently exists in Google Analytics.

From everything I've read, it doesn't sound like this is possible without completely deleting the property, maybe even the account?

To be clear, I am NOT interested in creating new views that don't include URLs with email parameters in them, or otherwise change the view and not the data. The data needs to be gone and be completely inaccessible to anyone with access to this Google Analytics account.

Here are the options I've come up with:

  1. Delete the property and start over. I'm pretty sure this will actually delete the collected data, but it's not clear to me if I would have to actually delete the account itself to achieve that.
  2. Set the data retention time to the lowest possible value (looks like 14 months right now) and wait 14 months for it to go away
  3. Perform some kind of magic to get in contact with an actual human at Google who could help me scrub or remove this data.

Does this sound right? Are there options I'm missing? If there's a way to do this through a Google API that would not be a problem.


  • If this is still a relevant issue. GoogleAnalytics provides a way to delete some data. Universal Analytics and GA4