I have the following list:
mylist = [
{ 'frame': { 'aaa': 50 } },
{ 'frame': { 'bbb': 12 } },
{ 'frame': { 'ccc': 23 } },
{ 'frame': { 'ddd': 72 } }
I need to convert the values of each of those 'frame' keys to a Pandas Series such as the following so that I can plot later on:
aaa 50
bbb 12
ccc 23
ddd 72
After reading this article, I realized that Pandas Series behave like dictionaries where indices can be strings.
So far, what I have only done is be able to iterate mylist
as follows:
for element in mylist :
print(type(element['frame']), element['frame'])
Which outputs:
<class 'dict'> {'aaa': 50}
<class 'dict'> {'bbb': 12}
<class 'dict'> {'ccc': 23}
<class 'dict'> {'ddd': 72}
Is there any way to convert this list to a Pandas Series object? Any help is highly appreciated.
All you need is pd.Series(dictionary_variable)
As the example you shown, I provide this code for your problem, hope to be helpful:
import pandas as pd
mylist = [
{ 'frame': { 'aaa': 50 } },
{ 'frame': { 'bbb': 12 } },
{ 'frame': { 'ccc': 23 } },
{ 'frame': { 'ddd': 72 } }
return_dict = {}
for dictionary in mylist:
inner_dict = dictionary["frame"]
key = list(inner_dict.keys())[0]
value = inner_dict[key]
return_dict[key] = value
series = pd.Series(return_dict)
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
aaa 50
bbb 12
ccc 23
ddd 72
dtype: int64
But if you want to make pandas series from each of the frames so you just need:
import pandas as pd
mylist = [
{ 'frame': { 'aaa': 50 } },
{ 'frame': { 'bbb': 12 } },
{ 'frame': { 'ccc': 23 } },
{ 'frame': { 'ddd': 72 } }
return_dict = {}
for dictionary in mylist:
inner_dict = dictionary["frame"]
series = pd.Series(inner_dict)
print(type(series), series, sep=" ")
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> aaa 50
dtype: int64
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> bbb 12
dtype: int64
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> ccc 23
dtype: int64
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> ddd 72
dtype: int64