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Can't access to a private method in Dart Library

I have to access to a private method in a Class. I created a library with inside the Class, imported it but it can't still recognize. I have the same problem also with private variables.


file buffer.dart:

    library buflib;

    class Buffer{

            void _record(){


in the same folder: engine.dart

    import 'buffer.dart';

    class Engine {

            Buffer _buff = Buffer()

            void myMethod(){

I have this error:

The method '_record' isn't defined for the type 'Buffer'. Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining >a method named '_record'.dartundefined_method

Any suggestions?


  • By default, each separate .dart file is a separate library. Since private identifiers are private to the library, they won't be visible to other .dart files.

    You can use the library and part of directives to group multiple .dart files into the same library, but those directives aren't documented.