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Smartsheet API: Update formula value in sheet

I'm trying to update a a cell with an existing formula in a Smartsheet sheet. I've read in a similar topic that this is now possible but can't work out how to get that done through my json parse.

Currently this following string type is converted to JSON (using Alteryx) with HTTP Action = PUT

{"id": "111111111111111", "cells": [ {"columnId": 11111111111111111, "value": "=[Actual.]6}" ] }

Using this I'm successfully updating the sheet cell to "=[Actual.]6", BUT it comes in as Text and a single quotation mark to disable the formula function eg. '=[Actual.]6. I've tried to parse the value without quotation marks, but that didn't work at all...

I hope this makes sense


  • to set a formula, you should use the formula property :

    {"id": "111111111111111", "cells": [ {"columnId": 11111111111111111, "formula": "=[Actual.]6}" ] }