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Trigger Twilio studio flow using Zapier Webhook

Truly grateful for any help here:

Trying to trigger a Twilio Studio flow from Zapier but with no luck so far.

Here is the Twilio guidance on how to trigger an execution:

Here, for example, is how the required data looks as CURL (those phone numbers are not real don't worry):

curl -X POST \
--data-urlencode "To=+15558675310" \
--data-urlencode "From=+15017122661" \

The required data is: To and From as well as the TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID and TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN authentication.

I would also like to pass through some data under Parameters as shown in this bit.

So the first step was the auth: Zapier was saying: "The app returned Authentication Error - No credentials provided".

Based on some other info, I have got past this (I think) by putting the Account SID and Auth token in the URL itself like this:


(Maybe better/neater to put with the parameters, let me know)

But after the problem is now passing in the To, From and Parameters.

"The app returned Missing required parameter To in the post body".

Here is how my Webhook Zap currently looks

Thanks you for any help!


  • You need to use Form as Payload Type: enter image description here

    For the basic authentication to work make sure to use a | to separate the username and password: enter image description here