I am learning opaque types now, still a bit confusing. I tried the following:
protocol Animal {
func introduce()
struct Dog: Animal {
func introduce() {
struct Cat: Animal {
func introduce() {
func random() -> some Animal {
let value = [true, false].randomElement()!
return value ? Cat() : Dog()
And in the return line of random
I am getting the following error
Result values in '? :' expression have mismatching types 'Cat' and 'Dog'
So, as far as I understand just like Generics the compiler needs to be able to decide at compile time what the concrete return type of the function is.
Am I right? If I am, isn't this message about confusing as both structs implement Animal
? And if I'm wrong, what does this error message mean?
Thanks a lot
EDIT: I'm trying to understand, not to make it work :)
Consider this: What is the type of the expression value ? Cat() : Dog() It isn’t animal. And for a ternary you need one type but you have either a cat or a dog. Type inference isn’t going to figure out that you can erase those two different types back to some common type, even if it’s possible to do so