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Is it possible to track sublistChanged events in client script 2.0?

I want to know, is that possible that we can track whether the sublist button user has pressed is Add/Insert/Delete, after populating all of the mandatory sublist fields, under sublistChanged entry point of client script 2.0. (For e.g.):

 *@NApiVersion 2.0
 *@NScriptType ClientScript
define([], function() {

    function sublistChanged(c) {
        if(c.mode == "add"){
            //Some Code
        else if(c.mode == "insert"){
            //Some Code
        else if(c.mode == "delete"){
            //Some Code

    return {
        sublistChanged: sublistChanged

Thanks in advance.


  • As Brian said in a comment, the API provides three other entry points that trigger for those cases:

    • validateLine for line additions
    • validateInsert for line insertions
    • validateDelete for line deletions

    These each require a boolean return value to allow or deny the operation.