I'm trying to copy a file from one folder to another folder using node-red but flow execute fine and throwing an error and also showing syntax error in the console
My flow:
Node Configuration:
exec command used
copy C:\Users\Karthikeyan.Anbalaga\Downloads\ID_NewOnePulse_results.csv C:\Users\Karthikeyan.Anbalaga\Downloads\Documents\
At the same time if I execute the file copy command in the terminal working well
>copy C:\Users\Karthikeyan.Anbalaga\Downloads\ID_NewOnePulse_results.csv C:\Users\Karthikeyan.Anbalaga\Downloads\Documents\
1 file(s) copied.
I did a mistake on the configuration, after removing the msg.payload
works fine and also files I can see in the destination folder.