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Coq - adding choice function to context

Suppose I am inside a Coq proof, and the current context includes a hypothesis of the form

H : forall a : A, P a -> exists b : B, Q a b


A B:Type
P : A -> Prop
Q : A -> B -> Prop

Then, I would like to add two new terms to the context:

f : A -> B
H' : forall a : A, P a -> Q a (f a)

How can I do this? I am happy to add nonconstructive axioms to achieve this.


  • In this generality, this is not possible. Look at the following:

    Definition A : Type := True.
    Definition B : Type := False.
    Definition P : A -> Prop := (fun a : A => False).
    Definition Q : A -> B -> Prop := (fun (a : A) (b : B) => True).
    Example H_is_trivial: forall a : A, P a -> exists b : B, Q a b.
      intros a HP.
      destruct HP.
    Example f_cannot_exist: (exists f : A -> B, forall a : A, P a -> Q a (f a)) -> False.
      destruct H as [f H].
      apply f.
      exact I.

    So there exist assignments for A, B, P and Q in which your H holds, but one can prove that your f cannot exist.

    For the refined problem, you can define a simga type {a | P a} und prove with the axiom of choice:

    Require Import ClassicalChoice.
    Section Test.
    Variable A B : Type.
    Variable P : A -> Prop.
    Variable Q : A -> B -> Prop.
    Variable H : forall a : A, P a -> exists b : B, Q a b.
    Definition AP := { a : A | P a }.
    Definition QAP (a : AP) (b : B) := Q (proj1_sig a) b.
    Lemma f_exists: exists f : AP -> B, (forall ap : AP, QAP ap (f ap)).
      apply choice.
      intros ap.
      specialize (H (proj1_sig ap) (proj2_sig ap)).
      destruct H as [b HQ].
      exists b. exact HQ.

    It shouldn't be hard to take the sigma type apart again and get to your immediate question, but the sigma type might anyway be more convenient.