import tkinter as tk
win = tk.Tk()
text = tk.Text(win, width = 50, height = 20, bg = 'black', fg = 'lightgreen', wrap = tk.WORD)
text.tag_configure('prompt', foreground = 'magenta')
text.tag_configure('output', foreground = 'yellow')
text.insert('end', '>>> ', 'prompt')
def on_return(*args):
cmd = text.get('prompt.last', 'end')
if cmd:
output = str(eval(cmd, globals = {"__builtins__":None}))
except Exception as e:
output = str(e)
text.insert('end', '\n' + output, 'output')
text.insert('end', '\n>>> ' + output, 'prompt')
return 'break'
text.bind('<Return>', on_return)
In order to get this output: eval() takes no keyword argument, just type anything on the text widget and press enter.
What should I do to avoid this output?
In your code you need to remove the 'globals =' from the parameter passing in the dictionary. The correct line is:
output = str(eval(cmd, {"__builtins__":None}))