I used two databases for a project I am working on in python and merged them on a common key in my code. I was wondering if there was a way to save the merged database in a .csv file on my computer so I can send it to someone or just look it at myself.
This is the code I used to merge them.
db1_in = pd.read_csv('path to ---> database1.csv', low_memory=False)
db2_in = pd.read_csv('path to ---> database2.csv', low_memory=False)
#combine the two databases based on their id
combined = pd.merge(db1_in, db2_in, on='id')
I just want to take that combined file and save it to my Mac as combined.csv and email it to someone or use it as one in another project.
you can do combined.to_csv('<the file name you want to use>.csv')
here is a reference for you