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TYPO3 FAL in Flexform add DataProcessing

I got the same problem like this guy -> So I used this answer but I have some problems to add the data processor. At the moment I render the Element like this:
tt_content.gridelements_pi1.20.10.setup {
1 < lib.gridelements.defaultGridSetup
1 {

prepend = COA
prepend {

  10 = TEXT
  10.value = </div><div class="bg-img-section">

  20 = IMAGE
  20 {
    file {     
      import = uploads/tx_gridelements/ = field:flexform_image
    dataProcessing {
      10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FilesProcessor
      10 { 
        references.fieldName = image as = image 
    stdWrap.wrap = <div class="image">|</div>

  30 = TEXT
  30.value = </div><div class="inner">


There is no Image shown in FE. I really tried to fix this on my own, but I just couldn't find a solution. I would be very grateful for any help or explanation


  • The dataProcessing you want to make use of is implemented in the wrong place, since the IMAGE cObject does not have a dataProcessing parameter, but the FLUIDTEMPLATE cObject does.

    Additionally the TypoScript code shows that you are not using the dataProcessing static file of Gridelements but the classic plugin based static with the USER cObject.

    So you should try to make use of the FILES cObject instead of IMAGE:

    tt_content.gridelements_pi1.20.10.setup {
      1 < lib.gridelements.defaultGridSetup
      1 {
        prepend = COA
        prepend {
          10 = TEXT
          10.value = </div><div class="bg-img-section">
          20 = FILES
          20 {
               references {
                  table = tt_content
                  uid.field = uid
                  fieldName = myFlexformFieldName
               begin = 0
               maxItems = 5
               renderObj = IMAGE
               renderObj {
                  file.import.dataWrap = {file:current:storage}:{file:current:identifier}
         = file:current:title
                  wrap = <div class="image">|</div>
           30 = TEXT
           30.value = </div><div class="inner">