I am trying to limit the languages to only English. We have not yet translated any of our content, so having Liferay able to change it's language isn't helpful, and has caused some issues when user's accidentally stumble across URLs that have an alternate language in them.
So we want to limit the language to only English. I have set the following in portal-ext.properties:
However, if I then access with a different language in the url ('iw' for example), the page is still translated.
So, am I not understanding what this setting does? Does it only limit the languages available in the language picker or something? I would appreciate any suggestions as this has become a frequent occurrence for our users as Google has also indexed some of our pages in different languages.
We are using Liferay 7 GA 7.
I have tested this on my liferay-ce-portal-tomcat-7.3.5-ga6-20200930172312275 server:
I used these properties in my portal-ext.properties file:
When the portal started up, I visited these sites and indeed the pages were not translated as you requested:
Please let me know if you had another use case in mind
Some useful resources: