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How to implement Fabricjs Align guidelines in Angular?

We are trying to implement the FabricJs Guidelines-(Aligning, Snapping) as per the link:

These are steps, we followed (as per link : How to call JavaScript functions from Typescript in Angular 5?):

Step 1: Copied these js's into the assets/folder as

Step 2: Declared those functions on .ts files

ISSUE: Still facing issues - delay in loading shapes in implementing it.

Kindly help us with relevant Demo/ implementation /Documents.


  • The mentioned above steps are right, except they need to be initialized at ngAfterContentInit(). Codes will be like this.

    //#region Methods which are defined in the .js files.
    declare function initCenteringGuidelines(canvas: fabric.Canvas):void;
    declare function initAligningGuidelines(canvas: fabric.Canvas):void;
    declare function initKeyBoardMovement (canvas: fabric.Canvas,e:any):void;
      selector: 'app-fabric-canvas',
      templateUrl: './fabric-canvas.component.html',
      styleUrls: ['./fabric-canvas.component.scss'],
    ngAfterContentInit() {
        this.ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
          if (this.eventHandler.canvas) {
          this.canvas = new fabric.Canvas('canvas', {
            selection: true,
            preserveObjectStacking: true,
            backgroundColor:'#2d2d2d', //need to add to Theme,
            fireRightClick: true,  // <-- enable firing of right click events
            fireMiddleClick: true, // <-- enable firing of middle click events
            stopContextMenu: true, // <--  prevent context menu from showing