Hello and thank you in advance!
I am working on image editing. I can pick the image from the image picker and rewrite it with the help of drawstringdrawstring. I can save the image in my documentDirectory. I want to share my image from documentDirectory path via the Share plugin. However, I am getting an error.
The code and error details are as shown below.
child: Text("Apply Watermark Over Image"),
onPressed: () async {
final image1 = ui.decodeImage(_originalImage.readAsBytesSync());
ui.drawString(image1, ui.arial_24, 300, 400, 'Hello And thank you');
final documentDirectory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
final file = new File(p.join(documentDirectory.path, "merged_image.jpg"));
// I HAVE THE IMAGE IN - documentDirectory.path "HERE I CANT SHARE THAT IMAGE"
final ByteData bytes = await rootBundle.load(documentDirectory.path);
await Share.file('esys image', 'esys.png', bytes.buffer.asUint8List(), 'image/png',
text: 'My optional text.');
I am getting this error :
[ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(177)] Unhandled Exception: Unable to load asset: /data/user/0/com.photogranth.watermark/app_flutter
For share file image you can use this share_files_and_screenshot_widgets
onPressed: () async {
final directory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
File f = File('${directory.path}/mycsv.csv');
String csv = const ListToCsvConverter().convert(data);
await f.writeAsString(csv);
var file_as_bytes = await f.readAsBytes();
Uint8List list = file_as_bytes.buffer.asUint8List();
"Title", "Name.csv", list, "text/csv",
text: "This is the caption!");