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Zend Framework: Require one out of three values

For my school project, I am working on a database management application. It is my first real Zend Framework application.

Now, right now, I have set 3 values as required, postalcode, email and telephone. They are required like this(Example):

        $mail = $this->createElement('text', 'mail');
            ->setAttrib('size', 50)->addValidator('StringLength', false, array(6, 40))->addValidator('EmailAddress', true)
        $telephone = $this->createElement('text', 'telephone');
            ->setAttrib('size', 50)->addValidator('StringLength', false, array(10, 10))

How can I make only one of them required?

I am working with Zend_Form, and also working with Displaygroups.

Is there someone who knows a solution for my program? Maybe use an array?

Thanks in advance,




Ok, the first part of my code looks like this now:


class Application_Form_Validate_ContactMethodSelected
extends Zend_Validate_Abstract
const INVALID = 'invalid';

protected $_messageTemplates = array(
    self::INVALID => 'Must select at least one contact method'

public function isValid($value, $context = array())
     // You need to use your element names, consider making these dynamic
    $checkFields = array('telefoon','mobiel','mail');
    // Check if all are empty
    foreach ( $checkFields as $field ) {
        if (isset($context[$field]) && !empty($context[$field])) {
            // Only one value needs to return true..skip the rest
            return true;

    // All were empty, set your own error message
    return false;


class Application_Form_Nieuwkandidaat extends Zend_Form

public function init()
    $DB = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();

    $telefoon = $this->createElement('text', 'telefoon');
            ->setAttrib('size', 50)->addValidator('StringLength', false,array(10,10));
    $telefoon->addValidator(new Application_Form_Validate_ContactMethodSelected());
    $mobiel = $this->createElement('text', 'mobiel');
            ->setAttrib('size', 50)->addValidator('StringLength', false,array(10,10));
    $mobiel->addValidator(new Application_Form_Validate_ContactMethodSelected());
    $mail = $this->createElement('text', 'mail');
            ->setAttrib('size', 50)->addValidator('StringLength', false,array(6,40))->addValidator('EmailAddress', true);
    $mail->addValidator(new Application_Form_Validate_ContactMethodSelected());

It won't show the message after hitting the submit button. What more should I change? Thanks for helping!


  • A good solution to consider is to write a custom validator for the elements.

    In your, isValid method you will have to check based on $context of other values. Something like:


    /** /library/Application/Form/Validate/ContactMethodSelected.php **/
    class Application_Form_Validate_ContactMethodSelected 
        extends Zend_Validate_Abstract
        const INVALID = 'invalid';
        protected $_messageTemplates = array(
            self::INVALID => 'Must select at least one contact method'
        public function isValid($value, $context = array())
             // You need to use your element names, consider making these dynamic
            $checkFields = array('phone','email','address');
            // Check if all are empty
            foreach ( $checkFields as $field ) {
                if (isset($context[$field]) && !empty($context[$field])) {
                    // Only one value needs to return true..skip the rest
                    return true;
            // All were empty, set your own error message
            return false;   

    Now, you have to tell the elements to use that validator. So, make changes in your forms init() method.

     $mail->addValidator(new Application_Form_Validate_ContactMethodSelected());
     $telephone->addValidator(new Application_Form_Validate_ContactMethodSelected());

    Don't forget: Once you have your own custom validator, you will have to remove the isRequired() from each element.


    You must set the custom validator as the first validator in the chain and break on failure. Also, you have to setAllowEmpty() to false.

    $telefoon = $this->createElement('text', 'telefoon');
            ->setAttrib('size', 50)->setAllowEmpty(false)
            ->addValidator(new Application_Form_Validate_ContactMethodSelected(),true)
            ->addValidator('StringLength', false,array(10,10));
    $mobiel = $this->createElement('text', 'mobiel');
            ->setAttrib('size', 50)->setAllowEmpty(false)
            ->addValidator(new Application_Form_Validate_ContactMethodSelected(),true)
            ->addValidator('StringLength', false,array(10,10));
    $mail = $this->createElement('text', 'mail');
            ->setAttrib('size', 50)->setAllowEmpty(false)
            ->addValidator(new Application_Form_Validate_ContactMethodSelected(),true)
            ->addValidator('StringLength', false,array(6,40))->addValidator('EmailAddress', true);

    Next, you will have to update the isValid method with the following:

    public function isValid($value, $context = array())
        // You need to use your element names, consider making these dynamic
        $checkFields = array('telefoon','mobiel','mail');
        // Check if all are empty
        foreach ( $checkFields as $field ) {
        if (isset($context[$field]) && !empty($context[$field])) {
            if (!empty($value)) {
                // This is the element with content... validate as true
                return true;
            // we are going to return false and no error
            // to break validation chain on other empty values
            // This is a quick hack, don't have time to invest in this
            return false;
        // All were empty, set your own error message
        return false;

    Now, you will have to add another condition to your code that uses this validator. We have to require that the form does not have any error messages.

    if ($form->isValid($_POST) || !count($form->getMessages())) {
        /** Valid, now you can process **/
    } else {
        /** Not valid **/