I am developing a Django-based website in which each new user creates a wallet to hold his money. I'd like to integrate it with PayPal, so that when the user signs up, a PayPal account is automatically created for him with the credit card information he entered.
From my research, the way to go seems to be using the PayPal Adaptative Accounts API. However, from what I've read in this document (https://cms.paypal.com/cms_content/US/en_US/files/developer/PP_AdaptiveAccounts.pdf), it seems the user has to be redirected to the PayPal website once the account is created in order to provide some information and/or confirm the account.
Is it possible to make it transparent to the user, i.e. make it so he is not redirected to the PayPal website?
Is the Adaptative Accounts API appropriate or is there another solution I should look into?
Thanks in advance.
No, the whole point behind PayPal and Google Checkout is that they're both trusted sources with their own, well-known SSL solutions, so customers who check out through them know exactly what they're getting. You'll get a callback (or you can poll for transactions) from the checkout provider letting you know how the transaction with the customer went.
If you want a solution that allows you to use your own website for everything, use a merchant solution provider like Authorize.Net. You'll have to acquire a valid enterprise-level SSL certificate and demonstrate that you're fully in compliance with all regulations regarding handling customer information. Have fun with that.