I have a for loop gets datas from a website and would like to export it to xlsx or csv file. Normally when I print result of loop I can get all list but when I export that to xlsx file only get last item. Where is the problem can you help?
for item1 in spec:
spec2 = item1.find_all('th')
expl2 = item1.find_all('td')
spec2x = spec2[a].text
expl2x = expl2[a].text
yazim = spec2x + ': ' + expl2x
cumle = yazim
patern = r"(Brand|Series|Model|Operating System|CPU|Screen|MemoryStorage|Graphics Card|Video Memory|Dimensions|Screen Size|Touchscreen|Display Type|Resolution|GPU|Video Memory|Graphic Type|SSD|Bluetooth|USB)"
if re.search(patern, cumle):
speclist = translator.translate(cumle, lang_tgt='tr')
specl = speclist
import pandas as pd
exp = [{ 'Prospec': specl,},]
df = pd.DataFrame(exp, columns = ['Prospec',])
Create an empty list and, at each iteration in your for loop, append a data frame to the list. You will end up with a list of data frames. After the loop, use pd.concat() to create a new data frame by concatenating every element of your list. You can then save the resulting df to an excel file.
Your code would look something like this:
import pandas as pd
df_list = []
for item1 in spec:
if re.search(patern, cumle):
df = pd.concat(df_list)