I have used coredata in a project with only a parent and a child [one to many], cd will generate the entity.h and entity.m for NSManagedObject, [ok]
the problem is that in my prior project , the addCategToEntityObject
in my entityMother.h is
- (void)addCategToEntityObject:(NSManagedObject *)value;
and it works fine,
but in my new project, the CoreDataGeneratedAccessors for the entityMother.h is
- (void)addTo_InterestObject:(Interest *)value;
so I use a kind of same approach to save but now get a warning and in run time crash off course! [but how to fix it!]
WARNING: Incompatible Objective-C types 'struct NSManagedObject *', expected 'struct Interest *' when passing argument 1 of 'addTo_InterestsObject' from distinct Objective-C type
here the action for saving with the problem: -(IBAction) saveInterest: (id) sender{
NSManagedObject *newItem;
NSManagedObjectContext *contextCateg_ = [categ_ managedObjectContext];
NSLog(@"el contexto :%@",contextCateg);
newItem = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"Interest" inManagedObjectContext:contextCateg_];
[categ_ addTo_InterestObject:interest_]; //vooddoo! un mensaje del mas alla!
//OJO, COREDATA ME GENERA UN - (void)addTo_InterestObject:(Interest *)value;
// EN LUGAR De NSManagedObject,
[newItem setValue:item_new.text forKey:@"interest"];
NSError *error;
[context save:&error];
NSLog(@"ITEM saved");
in the .h
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@class Categories, Interest;
@class EventMAppDelegate;
@class editContactViewController;
@interface BackEndViewController : UIViewController <UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource, NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate> {
Categories *categ_; //objetos de los Entities
Interest *interest_;
NSManagedObjectContext *contextCateg;
The problem is caused because in the first model, your Categ
entity had no specified NSManagedObject subclass name defined so the code generator just assigned a generic NSManagedObject value type to the method parameter.
However, in the second model, your Interest
entity has NSManagedObject subclass name of Interest
defined so the code generator assigned a type of Interest
to the method parameter.
As defined, you must pass an object of class Interest
to the method. If you don't wish to do this, you must remove the class name from the data model and regenerate the code to accept a generic NSManagedObject.