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@media (max-width or min-width) for video

I want to ask - this function for an image to hide or reveal at a given resolution (sample in code) - can it be applied to video as well? Thanks

@media (max-width:375px) {
                img#eq {
                display: none;
<img id="eq"  src="assets/images/picture.jpg"> 


  • Media Queries can be used always within CSS and works on everything that can eb addressed by CSS. This also includes videos as the snippet below shows.

    video {
      width: 100%;
    @media only screen
      and (max-width: 374px) {
        video {
          display: none;
    @media only screen
      and (min-width: 375px) {
        video {
          display: block;
    <video controls>
      <source src="" type="video/mp4">
      Your browser does not support the video tag.