I have a data frame where one column has string values and the other has integers but those columns have special characters with it or the string data has integers with it. So to remove it I used regex my regex is working fine but for the integer column, if 'abc123' is then it is not removing the abc and same with string column if '123abc' is there then it is not removing it. I don't know if the pattern or is wrong or the code is wrong. Below is my code,
d = [['abc','123'],['gbc@*','23abc'],['abc123','abc200'],['124abc','1230&*'],['abcer£$%&*!','230!?*&']]
df1= pd.DataFrame(d, columns=['str','int'])
str int
0 abc 123
1 gbc@* 23abc
2 abc123 abc200
3 124abc 1230&*
4 abcer£$%&*! 230!?*&
num = r'\d+$'
alpha = r'[a-zA-Z]+$'
wrong = df1[~df1['int'].str.contains(num, na=True)]
correct_int = [re.sub(r'([^\d]+?)', '', item) for item in wrong['int']]
wrong_str = df1[~df1['str'].str.contains(alpha, na=True)]
correct_str = [re.sub(r'([^a-zA-Z ]+?)', '', item) for item in df1['str']]
correct_int: ['23', '1230', '230']
As you can see it removed for '23abc','1230&*','230!?*&'
but not for 'abc200'
as the string was coming first
correct_str: ['abc', 'gbc', 'abc', 'abc', 'abcer']
now it removed for all but sometimes it's not removing when the value is '124abc'
Is my pattern wrong? I have also tried giving different patterns but nothing worked
I am removing the integers and special characters in the column 'str' and removing string values and special characters in column 'int' Expected output: Once after cleaning and replacing with the old with the cleaned values the output would look like this.
str int
0 abc 123
1 gbc 23
2 abc 200
3 abc 1230
4 abcer 230
You can do it with
df1['str'] = df1['str'].str.replace(r"[\d\W+]", '') # replaces numbers (\d) and non-word characters (\W) with empty strings
df1['int'] = df1['int'].str.replace(r"\D+", '') # replaces any non-decimal digit character (like [^0-9])
str int
0 abc 123
1 gbc 23
2 abc 200
3 abc 1230
4 abcer 230