I have a Powershell script with XAML code (for display some windows and buttons) I try to replace a value of all lines begin with $computer.selectedvalue and finnish by ",1" in a text file.
My text file content :
end with ,1
is the printer by default and ,0
is the secondary printer
Powershell code :
$PLPrinterArray = Get-Printer -ComputerName srvprint | select name
foreach ($PLPrinterArray in $PLPrinterArray) {
$LDAPComputerArray = Get-ADComputer -filter * -SearchBase"OU=Ordinateurs,DC=MyDC,DC=Mydomain,DC=org" -Properties name
foreach ($LDAPComputerArray in $LDAPComputerArray) {
#If (Get-Content C:\Users\User\desktop\test.txt
$($WPFCboComputer.selectedvalue)^ ",1$") {
#-replace ",1",",0"}
Add-Content -path "C:\Users\User\Desktop\test.txt"
Is it possible to do this and especially in a Button.Add.Click
Thanks in advance ;-)
I suggest using a switch statement with the -Regex
and -File
$file = 'C:\Users\User\desktop\test.txt'
# Process the input file line by line with regex matching,
# and collect the potentially modified lines in an array.
[array] $modifiedlines =
switch -Regex -File $file {
"^($($WPFCboComputer.SelectedValue),.+,)1$" { $Matches[1] + '0' }
default { $_ } # pass through
# Save the modified lines plus the new line back to the file.
# Note: Use -Encoding as needed.
Set-Content $file -Value (
$modifiedLines + "$($WPFCboComputer.SelectedValue)$($WPFCboPL.SelectedValue)$($WPFCboLN.SelectedValue),1"