I would like to add results from database to the List. But there is a bug.
String str = '\'AOC\',\'BPD\',\'CRE\'';
List<String> lstString = str.split(',');
List<Shop_Product__c> productList = new List<Shop_Product__c>();
Integer i = 0;
for (String record: lstString) {
System.debug('record[' + i + ']: ' + record);
if ((record != null) && (productList != null)) {
productList.add([SELECT Id, Brand__c
FROM Shop_Product__c
WHERE Brand__c = :record
LIMIT 10]);
System.debug('productList[' + i + ']: ' + productList);
System.debug('Here in for ----------------------------------------');
Error is System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject. Here is it the explain, but I don't understand what I should do.
The List
method add()
takes a single sObject. That's why you get the QueryException
, just like in the examples you link to.
You can use the addAll()
method to create a List<sObject>
context, which avoids the exception if there are no responsive records.