I've been trying to write a script that simply takes a filtered data, copies it, and then pastes it into another sheet. Nothing I seem to do works. With the code below, which I found online, it should work, but I keep getting an error that states The number of rows in the range must be at least 1. However, I have data in the range A7:R500 and I'm only filtering out blanks and 'W'. Am I correct in this thinking?
function copyPaste(){
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var values = sheet.getRange('A7:R500').getValues();
var hiddenValues = ['', 'W'];
values = values.filter(function(v){
return hiddenValues.indexOf(v[4]) == 'W';
sheet.getRange(1,21, values.length, 18).setValues(values);
Since you are already using a filter Array, you can compare hiddenValues.indexOf(v[4])
to -1 to filter out blanks and "W".
Also, since your goal is to paste the results in a different sheet, you need to define both the source and the destination sheet. Create a sheet and plug its name into the new sheet name
tag in the code below.
Sample Code:
function copyPaste() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet1 = ss.getActiveSheet();
var sheet2 = ss.getSheetByName('<new sheet name>');
var values = sheet1.getRange('A7:R500').getValues();
var hiddenValues = ['', 'W'];
values = values.filter(function(v){
return hiddenValues.indexOf(v[4]) == -1;
sheet2.getRange(1,21, values.length, 18).setValues(values);