Horror films released in 2019
Title Director Country Year
3 from Hell Rob Zombie United States 2019
Bliss Joe Begos United States 2019
Bedeviled The Vang Brothers United States 2016
Creep 2 Patrick Brice United States 2017
Brightburn David Yarovesky United States 2019
Delirium Dennis Iliadis Ireland 2018
Child's Play Lars Klevberg United States 2019
The Conjuring 2 James Wan United States 2016
Bloodlands Steven Kastrissios Albania 2017
Bird Box Susanne Bier United States 2017
need to plot a histogram showing the number of titles released over the years using Pandas plot function
group = df.groupby('Year').count()[['Title']]
new_df = grouped.reset_index()
width = newdf.Year[1] - newdf.Year[0]
newdf.iloc[:,1:2].plot(kind='bar', width=width)
Cannot figure out a way to label x axis with values from the Year column, also unsure if my approach is correct.
Thanks in advance :)
It sounds like you want a bar chart, not a histogram, because you have discrete/categorical variables (years). And you say "kind=bar" in your plot statement, so you are on the right track. Try this to see if it works for you. I forced the y-axis to be integers since you are looking for counts, but that is optional.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
title = [ 'Movie1','Movie2','Movie3',
year = [2019,2019,2018,
df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(title, year)),
columns =['Title', 'Year']
group = df.groupby('Year').count()[['Title']]\
.rename(columns={'Title': 'No. of Movies'})\
ax ='Year', rot=0)
Title Year
0 Movie1 2019
1 Movie2 2019
2 Movie3 2018
3 Movie4 2017
4 Movie5 2019
5 Movie6 2018
6 Movie7 2019
7 Movie8 2017
8 Movie9 2018
Year No. of Movies
0 2017 2
1 2018 3
2 2019 4