I have following problem in QtQuick (QML). I want to display a table with data from QAbstractListModel in a table layout. I use GridlĹayout and repeaters for it:
ScrollView {
id: scrollView
width: parent.width
anchors.fill: parent
clip: true
ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOn
ScrollBar.vertical.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOn
model: _network.qqjourneyslist.length
Item {
GridLayout {
id: inr
columns: 5
width: rect2.width
layoutDirection: "RightToLeft"
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.top: parent.bottom
model: _network.qqjourneyslist[index]
Item {
//width: 100
text: model.startstop
//Layout.fillWidth: true
//width: 100
text: model.starttime
//Layout.fillWidth: true
//anchors.left: t1.right
//width: 100
text: model.lineno
//Layout.fillWidth: true
//anchors.left: t2.right
id: t4
//width: 100
text: model.endstop
// Layout.fillWidth: true
//anchors.left: t3.right
id: t5
//width: 100
text: model.endtime
//Layout.fillWidth: true
//anchors.left: t4.right
The problem is, that when I insert a repeater in the GridLayout the flow is destroyed and the Texts are overwriting each other. I tried a lot of things like insert width for the texts or use Layout.row, Layout.columns, but nothing works.
I also looked at Populate GridLayout with Repeater but this topic did not help in my case or at least I did not find a way how to modify it for my purpose. _network.qqjourneislist is a QList wiht QAbstractListModel which I would like to use and outside of the Layout there are working fine.
Could you please help me how to use a repeater and QAbstractListModel?
I do not keen on using GridLayout I just want to create a table with row and columns for my model. I know there are lot of another table objects but I do not know which to use and trying all out is a long way for me.
I am glad of every advice I receive and thank you for it!
The solution with ColumnLayout and RowLayout is working until I use a Repeater in a Repeater which yields to that the text lines are not produced.
The code is following:
ColumnLayout {
id: inr
// anchors.fill: parent
width: parent.width
layoutDirection: "LeftToRight"
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.margins: 15
//anchors.horizontalCenter: parent
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.right: parent.right
model: _network.qqjourneyslist.length
id: rep1
model: _network.qqjourneyslist[index]
//width: inr.width
//height: 50
height: 20
Layout.preferredHeight: 20
spacing: 10
width: wind.implicitWidth/3
//anchors.left: parent.left
//anchors.top: parent.top
text: model.startstop
font.pointSize: 12
Layout.preferredWidth: wind.implicitWidth/3
//width: 100
text: model.starttime
font.pointSize: 12
font.bold: true
//Layout.fillWidth: true
//anchors.left: t1.right
//width: 100
text: model.lineno
font.pointSize: 12
color: "red"
//Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
//Layout.preferredWidth: parent.implicitWidth/3
Layout.fillWidth: true
id: t4
text: model.endstop
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
font.pointSize: 12
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.implicitWidth/3
//anchors.left: t3.right
id: t5
//width: 100
text: model.endtime
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
font.pointSize: 12
font.bold: true
//Layout.fillWidth: true
//anchors.left: t4.right
height: 12
//Layout.preferredHeight: 12
//anchors.top: rep1.bottom
//width: parent.width
Layout.row: 3*index
Layout.preferredHeight: 12
Layout.fillWidth: true
color: "grey"
//Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
//Layout.fillWidth: parent
//Layout.alignment: Qt.Right
radius: 5
I want to produce something like that (the lower rectangle)
but I get only the rectangles and no text. If I remove the last RowLayout then the texrows are displayed properly.
The _network.qqjournieslist is a QList of QObejcts* - QAbstractListModel - so it should be possible to assign it to model. Thanks for every help!
The Text
objects overwrite themselves because their parent is an Item
, which doesn't tell them where to be positioned. You don't really describe how you want the output to look, so I'll make an assumption that you want those 5 text strings to appear as a single row in your grid. Then you can just use a Column
with a Row
, (or a ColumnLayout
with a RowLayout
if you prefer).
Column {
Row {
Repeater {
model: _network.qqjourneyslist
Text {
width: 100 // Column 1 width
text: model.startstop
Text {
width: 100 // Column 2 width
text: model.starttime
Your updated code doesn't work because you seem to misunderstand how Repeaters
work. The model of a Repeater
can either be a count of how many times it should repeat, or a list of some sort that tells the Repeater
how many items to create.
Your first Repeater
uses the length of your list as a model, which is ok. Let's say its value is 10. That means it will create 10 of whatever is inside it. And what's inside that Repeater
? Another Repeater
. The model of that second Repeater
though is the contents of a single item in your list. That's a problem. Unless that item is also a list of some sort, the Repeater
won't know how to use it as a count. That's why in my code above, I changed your example to only use a single Repeater
. That's all that's needed for your case. The model for each row needs to be repeated, but not your columns.