I'm trying to use AWS CloudWatch Logs Insights to count the number of requests coming from each IP address within 5 minutes of an API.
Here's an example of the data I want to get.
Time Range: 01:05 - 01:10
Request Source | Number of Requests |
---|---| | 314 | | 237 | | 201 |
Time Range: 01:10 - 01:15
Request Source | Number of Requests |
---|---| | 334 | | 230 | | 198 |
Time Range: 01:15 - 01:20
Request Source | Number of Requests |
---|---| | 334 | | 230 | | 198 |
And here's my query:
fields @timestamp, @message
| filter (@message like "/my_api")
| parse @message '* - * [*] * * * "*" * * * "*" "*" "*"' as remote_addr, remote_user, time_local, http_method, path, http_version, header, status_code, request_length, body_bytes_sent, http_referer, http_user_agent, http_x_forwarded_for
| stats count() as requestCount by http_x_forwarded_for
| sort requestCount desc
The problem of the query above is that it only counts the number of requests within the time range I specified.
So if I want to get the data during the past 24 hours, I'll have to specify the time range of Logs Insights for 24 * 60 / 5
= 288
times. And run the query for 288 times.
It would be very time-consuming to do the steps I describe above.
The reason I want to get the data is that I want to use AWS WAF to set a rate limit on my API.
Before I apply the rate limit, I need to know the request rate of my API during normal days.
Tried out a similar query against my CloudTrail events log, and bin()
is what you want:
fields @timestamp, @message
| stats count(*) by eventName, bin(5m)
| sort desc
| limit 20