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Why are only a few TimeZones available in Blazor WASM?

In Blazor WASM only a few time zones seem to be available when using TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones(). Why is that and what controls which they are?

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    private string message = "";

    protected override void OnInitialized()

        List<string> timeZones = new();
        foreach (var tz in TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones())
            timeZones.Add($"Tz DispName:{tz.DisplayName}, StdName:{tz.StandardName}, Id:{tz.Id}");

        message = string.Join("<br/>", timeZones);


I get 14 time zones when running the above. When I do something similar in a console app I get approx. 140 time zones. My Win10 machine is configured for Denmark/Europe.


  • I resolved my issue by introducing a helper class holding the serialization strings of all time zones available on my machine. So, instead of obtaining a TimeZoneInfo object using TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById I can now use TimeZoneHelper.FindTimeZone in the Blazor WASM client. It enlarges the payload a bit - but it's not an issue in my case.

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
    namespace Utils
      public static class TimeZoneHelper
        public static ReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> Data { get; } = new(new Dictionary<string, string>
          { "Dateline Standard Time", "Dateline Standard Time;-720;(UTC-12:00) International Date Line West;Dateline Standard Time;Dateline Daylight Time;;" },
          { "UTC-11", "UTC-11;-660;(UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-11;UTC-11;UTC-11;;" },
          { "Hawaiian Standard Time", "Hawaiian Standard Time;-600;(UTC-10:00) Hawaii;Hawaiian Standard Time;Hawaiian Daylight Time;;" },
          { "Alaskan Standard Time", "Alaskan Standard Time;-540;(UTC-09:00) Alaska;Alaskan Standard Time;Alaskan Daylight Time;[01:01:0001;12:31:2006;60;[0;02:00:00;4;1;0;];[0;02:00:00;10;5;0;];][01:01:2007;12:31:9999;60;[0;02:00:00;3;2;0;];[0;02:00:00;11;1;0;];];" },
          { "UTC-09", "UTC-09;-540;(UTC-09:00) Coordinated Universal Time-09;UTC-09;UTC-09;;" },
          { "Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)", "Pacific Standard Time (Mexico);-480;(UTC-08:00) Baja California;Pacific Standard Time (Mexico);Pacific Daylight Time (Mexico);[01:01:0001;12:31:2009;60;[0;02:00:00;4;1;0;];[0;02:00:00;10;5;0;];][01:01:2010;12:31:9999;60;[0;02:00:00;3;2;0;];[0;02:00:00;11;1;0;];];" },
          { "Pacific Standard Time", "Pacific Standard Time;-480;(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada);Pacific Standard Time;Pacific Daylight Time;[01:01:0001;12:31:2006;60;[0;02:00:00;4;1;0;];[0;02:00:00;10;5;0;];][01:01:2007;12:31:9999;60;[0;02:00:00;3;2;0;];[0;02:00:00;11;1;0;];];" },
          { "Central America Standard Time", "Central America Standard Time;-360;(UTC-06:00) Central America;Central America Standard Time;Central America Daylight Time;;" },
          { "Central Standard Time", "Central Standard Time;-360;(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada);Central Standard Time;Central Daylight Time;[01:01:0001;12:31:2006;60;[0;02:00:00;4;1;0;];[0;02:00:00;10;5;0;];][01:01:2007;12:31:9999;60;[0;02:00:00;3;2;0;];[0;02:00:00;11;1;0;];];" },
          // Shortened. Generate and paste full content using:
          //   foreach (var tz in TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones())
          //     Console.WriteLine($"{{ \"{tz.Id}\", \"{tz.ToSerializedString()}\" }},");
        public static TimeZoneInfo FindTimeZone(string id)
          if (id == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(id));
          if (!Data.TryGetValue(id, out string data))
            throw new TimeZoneNotFoundException("Unknown time zone id: " + id);
          var tz = TimeZoneInfo.FromSerializedString(data);
          return tz;