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How to write xUnit Test for a method which calls another method in its body?

This is the class contains EnqueueJobAsync method which I want to write test for it :

public class ConsumerBaseForTesting
    protected IJobStore JobStore { get; private set; }

    public ConsumerBaseForTesting(IJobStore jobStore)
        JobStore = jobStore;

    public async Task<IJob> EnqueueJobAsync(IJob job)
        => await JobStore.CreateAsync(job);

This is my test which Fails and its actual return is always NULL !

public class ConsumerBaseTest

    private readonly Mock<IJobStore> _moqIJobStore;
    private readonly ConsumerBaseForTesting _consumerBase;

    public ConsumerBaseTest()
        _moqIJobStore = new Mock<IJobStore>();
        _consumerBase = new ConsumerBaseForTesting(_moqIJobStore.Object);

    public async Task EnqueueJobAsyncTest(IJob job)
        var jobResult = await _consumerBase.EnqueueJobAsync(job);

        Assert.Equal(job, jobResult);


  • The mock needs to be setup to do two things in order to replicate the expected behavior.

    It needs to return the passed job in a completed task.

    public ConsumerBaseTest() {
        _moqIJobStore = new Mock<IJobStore>();
        _consumerBase = new ConsumerBaseForTesting(_moqIJobStore.Object);
        //setup the mock to capture and return the job when CreateAsync(IJob job) is invoked
            .Setup(_ => _.CreateAsync(It.IsAny<IJob>()))
            .Returns((IJob x) => Task.FromResult(x));     }

    .Returns((IJob x) => Task.FromResult(x)) captures the argument and returns completed Task<IJob>