I've got a function from FPDF library to create pdf. Let's say, i have 4 orders and i need to create pdf for each of them, so i loop through them,
orders = [10, 11, 12, 13]
for o in orders:
Function generate_pdf:
from fpdf import FPDF
pdf = FPDF()
def generate_pdf(DokId):
header = "Order #{}".format(DokId)
pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 20)
w = pdf.get_string_width(header) + 6
pdf.set_x((210 - w) / 2)
pdf.cell(w, 9, header, 0, 0, 'C')
pdf.line(20, 18, 210-20, 18)
pdf.output('{}.pdf'.format(DokId), 'F')
return None
For first el in my list i've got file "10.pdf" with 1 page, for the next one - 2 pages, etc. How to avoid this case and create only one page for each order number in a loop?
Thanks in advance
I haven't used FPDF but I'm guessing the issue is that you are re-usig the same pdf object every time, and so after every call to add_page you add another page to the same document instead of a new one.
Try adding
pdf = FPDF()
before your pdf.add_page() call.