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Gluon Mobile : Bluetooth Low Energy no instance for interface com.gluonhq.attach.ble.BleService

I am new on stackoverflow, this is my first post. I recently started using Gluon Mobile to develop an android mobile application using Bluetooth Low Energy.

I'm having trouble using the BLE technology. If I copy the piece of code provided in the gluon mobile documentation and I get the following message :

WARNING: No new instance for interface com.gluonhq.attach.ble.BleService and class com.gluonhq.attach.ble.impl.AndroidBleService

here is the code from the example:

        ble.startScanningDevices().addListener((ListChangeListener.Change<? extends BleDevice> c) -> {
            while ( {
                if (c.wasAdded()) {
                    for (BleDevice device : c.getAddedSubList()) {
                        System.out.println("Device found: " + device.getName());
                        device.stateProperty().addListener((obs, ov, nv) -> {
                            if (State.STATE_CONNECTED == nv) {
                                System.out.println("Device connected: " + device.getName());

I also modified the AndroidManifest.xml file to provide the necessary permissions to use the bluetooth by adding the following lines to the file :

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/>

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN"/>

Have any of you encountered this kind of problem and managed to solve it? I feel like I can't access the bluetooth.

here is a copy of the pom.xml file :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">





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  • The solution was to add <list>ble</list> to the <attachList> in pom.xml file.