Is there a way to see the tactics applied by tauto? I.e., run tauto and get a list of tactics to apply (not including tauto)?
tauto is a tactic directly written in OCaml, so it does not apply other tactics - it constructs a proof term. But you can have a look at the proof term it constructs.
Goal forall P Q : Prop, P /\ Q -> P.
Show Proof.
results in:
(fun (P Q : Prop) (H : P /\ Q) => and_ind (fun (H0 : P) (_ : Q) => H0) H)
The fun (P Q : Prop) (H : P /\ Q)
corresponds to intros P Q H
. Then it uses and_ind
with a function as argument. This corresponds to exact (and_ind (fun P' Q' => P') H).
. As you can see the trick is in the construction of the function argument of and_ind
It is instructive to look at these proof terms, but if you would do the proof manually, you would usually do it in a different way than tauto does.
And if you look at proof terms of tauto, isolate the goal you proof with tauto - otherwise the proof term will be hard to digest.