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How to achieve chains in SQL

I have an attendance sheet that appears as follows:

image here.

I am trying to chain together the attendance of people (coded as ABC, DEF, etc.). And I want the final result to appear like this: which shows the start and end dates of each segment/chain of attendance. If person A attends from 2021-01-01 to 2021-01-4, then it should show up as one row because it's one contiguous chain. I am not sure what to do or where to start. It's an odd way attendance data is saved.

final output

More info: I don't know if this matters, but I have up to 20 columns because our attendance max is 20 people. So it's up to Col20.


  • For the record. It is best to supply sample data as text.

    This is a classic Gaps-and-Islands with a little twist.

    Here we dynamically unpivot your data via a bit of JSON (without actually using dynamic SQL).

    Example or dbFiddle

    ;with cte as (
    Select AttendanceDate
          ,Grp = datediff(day,0,AttendanceDate) - dense_rank() over (partition by value order by AttendanceDate)
     From  YourTable A
     Cross Apply (
                    Select [Key]
                     From OpenJson((Select A.* For JSON Path,Without_Array_Wrapper )) 
                     Where [Key] not in ('AttendanceDate')
                 ) B
    Select [Value]
          ,[Start]  = min(AttendanceDate)
          ,[End]    = max(AttendanceDate)
     From  cte
     Group By Value,Grp


    Value   Start       End
    ABC     2021-01-01  2021-01-04
    DEF     2021-01-01  2021-01-03
    GH      2021-01-02  2021-01-05
    DEF     2021-01-07  2021-01-08
    xx      2021-01-08  2021-01-10
    zz      2021-01-08  2021-01-08