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What Should I Do If My Game Is Rejected for Not Displaying the Welcome Banner After a User Has Signed In?

After the Game Service and IAP SDKs of HMS Core are integrated, I submitted my game for review, but it was rejected by Huawei for not displaying the welcome banner at the top of the game after the sign-in API is called for my game with a HUAWEI ID signed in. How can i solve it?


  • If the welcome banner is not displayed after a HUAWEI ID has signed in to the game, check the fault:

    1. In the game/app launch phase, add code to the onCreate method of Application to register the callback listener of the activity. For details, please refer to the guide.
    public class MyApplication extends Application{
         public void   onCreate(){
    1. Before compilation, ensure that the name of the Application class, for example, android:name=".MyApplication", has been configured in the application element in the app's manifest file.