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Hash Table, Multiples values in Key, Foreach Loop Powershell

I have filled the keys with the necessary values, Every key will have multiples values

$vms = @{}
$vms.template += $templateName
$ += $vmName
$vms.EsxiHostName += $esxiHostName
$vms.datastore += $datastoreName
$ += $networkName
$vms.FolderLocation += $folderName
$vms.vCPU += $vCPU
$vms.CoresPerCPU += $vmCores
$vms.Memory += $vmRam
$vms.IP += $vmIP
$vms.SubnetMask += $vmMask
$vms.gateway += $vmGateway
$vms.DNS1 += $vmDns1
$vms.DNS2 += $vmDns2
$vms.Description += $vmDescription
$vms.TrendMicroScanDay += $tmscanday
$vms.inventory_billing_owner += $inventoryBillingOwner

And now what I want to do is something like this because I want to use these variables in another commands.

foreach ($vm in $vms) {
    #Assign Variables
    $VCTemplate = $vm.template
    $VMName = $vm.Name
    $VMHost = $vm.EsxiHostName
    $Datastore = $vm.datastore
    $NetworkName = $
    $FolderLocation = $vm.FolderLocation
    $vCPU = $vm.vCPU
    $CoresPerCPU = $vm.CoresPerCPU
    $Memory = $vm.Memory
    $VMIP = $vm.IP
    $SubnetMask = $vm.SubnetMask
    $GW = $vm.Gateway
    $DNS1 = $vm.DNS1
    $DNS2 = $vm.DNS2
    $Description = $VM.Description
    $TrendMicroScanDay = $VM.TrendMicroScanDay
    $inventory_billing_owner = $VM.inventory_billing_owner

It seems foreach loop doesn't work this way and I try to find information about it but was not possible Someone know how can I work with a Foreach Loop and a Hash Table with multiples values per key?


EDIT: Thanks Mclayton for answer, I tried your solutions

First I want to send you what is inside of $vms

PS C:\Users\me\Desktop> $vms
Name                           Value                                                                                                                        
----                           -----                                                                                                                        SubnetMask                     {,}                                                                                             description                    {TEST, Test 2}                                                                                                               
Memory                         {4, 8}                                                                                                                       
name                           {Name1, Test 2}                                                                                                              
vCPU                           {4, 8}                                                                                                                       
ip                             {,}                                                                                                     datastore                      {vsanDatastore, vsanDatastore}                                                                                               dns2                           {,}                                                                                                     
gateway                        {,}                                                                                                      
template                       {ESSQLTEMPLATE01, WIN 10 Template}                                                                                           
FolderLocation                 {Office Domain, SysAdmin LAB}                                                                                            
TrendMicroScanDay              {Day5, Day5}                                                                                                                 
CoresPerCPU                    {4, 8}                                                                                                                       
dns1                           {,}                                                                                                     
EsxiHostName                   {es1esxi01p, es1esxi02p}                                                                                 
network                        {servers, data2}

Then with the first option running this for test

for($i = 0; $i -lt $vms.template.Length; $i++ )
  $VCTemplate = $vms.template[$i];
  $VMName2     = $vms.Name[$i];
PS C:\Users\me\Desktop> $VCTemplate
WIN 10 Template

I'm getting the second value, maybe I didn’t understand what you were saying

And with the second option, I was thinking what to use in the foreach ($something in $something_else) but I ran this:

$vm3 = @()
$vm3 += new-object PSCustomObject -Property ([ordered] @{
        Template = $vms.template
        Name     = $
        EsxiHostName = $vms.EsxiHostName
        datastore = $vms.datastore
        network = $
        FolderLocation = $vms.FolderLocation
        vCPU = $vms.vCPU
        CoresPerCPU = $vms.CoresPerCPU
        Memory = $vms.Memory
        IP = $vms.IP
        SubnetMask = $vms.SubnetMask
        gateway = $vms.gateway
        DNS1 = $vms.DNS1
        DNS2 = $vms.DNS2
        Description = $vms.Description
        TrendMicroScanDay = $vms.TrendMicroScanDay

foreach ($vm in $vm3)
    write-host 'This is '$vm.template

And this was the result

PS C:\Users\me\Desktop> foreach ($vm in $vm3)
    write-host 'This is '$vm.template

This is  ESSQLTEMPLATE01 WIN 10 Template


  • In your code, $vms is a single hashtable object, and if you foreach() over a single object the loop will only run once. The fact that all of $vms's properties (e.g. $vms.template) are arrays doesn't make any difference to this.

    If you really need to use a single hastable with properties that are parallel arrays, what you'll need to do is something like:

    for($i = 0; $i -lt $vms.template.Length; $i++ )
      $VCTemplate = $vms.template[$i];
      $VMName     = $vms.Name[$i];
      ... etc ...
      ... now do stuff with the $i'th vm ...
      write-host $vmName;

    but a better alternative would be to create $vms as an array of objects with @() (note round brackets not squiggly ones) - e.g.

    $vms = @()
    foreach( $something in $something_else )
        $vms += new-object PSCustomObject -Property ([ordered] @{
            Template = $something.template
            Name     = $
            ... etc ...

    and then you can iterate over $vms:

    foreach ($vm in $vms)
        write-host $vm.Name