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Is iterating with for..of loop over iterator instead of iterable is legal?

The recommended way of iterating over an iterable object is with for..of loop over the object itself like this:

const a = [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ];
for(const item of a)

I have been experimenting with iterating and found out that the following also works with exactly the same result:

const a = [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ];
let iter = a[Symbol.iterator]();
for(const item of iter)

And even this works:

const a = [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ];
let iter = a[Symbol.iterator]();
let iter2 = iter[Symbol.iterator]();
for(const item of iter2)

Regarding for..of loop, I did not see recommendations to iterate over iterator instead of iterable. See, for example, for..of in MDN.

Is it legal to iterate this way?


  • for..of assumes an Iterable (something that has Symbol.iterator) see, point 7.

    When you pass a built-in Iterator, like StringIterator or ArrayIterator, it's no problem, because for butil-in Iterators (which inherit from IteratorPrototype) Symbol.iterator just returns itself (

    User-defined iterators are not guaranteed to obey this rule, but it's a good practice to design them like this.